Customizing Content

Let’s talk about customizing content through social media. Each organization fits in a niche, all the way from corporate PR to non-profit PR. Use this niche to your advantage through all aspects of social media.

First of all, research other organizations that fit within your organization’s niche. Find out how they reach out to their audiences through social media. Knowledge of how similar organizations work will assist you in forming pertinent, custom content.

Next, use this niche to your advantage. Make your content stand out from everyone else, whether this is by YouTube videos, blogging, etc. Customize your content by linking to outside sources that pertain to your organization. For example, send a link to an article that was written about your organization in the local newspaper. But, do not merely send a link to the article, customize a comment showing the rationale behind the linked post. It is extremely important to keep the audience engaged at all times. If you just post a link on your Facebook page, the audience could overlook it only because it doesn’t catch their attention. You must show the audience why they should check out the link. A way to get them to click on that link is to give them some background information on it. When audiences realize why you send them information, they’re much more likely to accept it, as opposed to sending it without any comment attached.

Customize the content you give your audiences to fit your specific niche. Your audience is there for a reason; they enjoy and are interested in the information you provide. Keep it custom, and they will keep reading.

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